This is a draft and it is incomplete

Simple Chat App With React And Rails

23 Jan 2023


This is a tutorial post on how to set up a Rails and React Chat project using Websockets with Action Cable.


You have Ruby, Bundler, and Rails installed. You have Node installed.


  1. Project generation and setup
  2. Test connection between rails api and react app

1. Project Generation and Setup

1) Create a folder to hold both your rails and react app and initialize git.

cd /into/the/folder/you/want
mkidr simple-chat-app-rails-react
cd simple-chat-app-rails-react
git init

2) Generate your rails project in API mode and delete default git configuration.

rails new --api sc-rails
rm -rf ./sc-rails/.git

3) Generate react app and delete default git configuration

npx create-react-app sc-react
rm -rf ./sc-react/.git

4) Setup gitignore and Commit your changes

git add .
git commit -m 'First commit: generated rails and react template projects'

2. Test connection between rails api and react app

1) Setup your initial root route for rails using generation

cd sc-rails
bin/rails g controller home index

2) Modify your config/routes.rb file to look like this:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root "home#index"
  get 'home/index'

3) Make sure your HomeController#index action looks like this:

# app/controllers/home_controller.rb
class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render json: { status: 'ok' }

4) Now if you run your rails server like so:

bin/rails server

You should see something like this:

Rails status okay home page

5) Now let’s commit our work.

git add .
git commit -m "Created rails root route"

6) Now let us set up the React side of things by first installing react-query and axios.

cd sc-react
npm i react-query axios

This is a draft and it is incomplete